Adapter News 10/19

Rotation 2019
Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson

Thu | 24. October | 20:30
ExRotaprint | Berlin

Jesse Ronneau: ...über der Asche schweben (WP)
for bass clarinet, Max MSP, and 4 channel diffusion
Jessie Marino: Muscular Sunrise (WP)
for clarinet, percussion and objects
Genoel von Lillienstern: Tal (WP)
for bass clarinet and effects
Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson: Music for Emos.......... (WP)

Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson returns with some brand new clarinet music especially written for the occasion. Produced by Ensemble Adapter, supported by initiative neue musik berlin e.V.

Open Mic
Come by, work with us!

Tue | 29. October | 17:00-19:00
ExRotaprint | Gottschedstrasse 4 | Aufgang 4
Open Mic 2019

New Video
Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir - Solo Harp

Michael Maierhof - Splitting 9

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