Adapter News 09/20


Tue | 1. September | 20:00 (CET)
BKA Theater Berlin (open for audience!)
& Livestream @

David Bird - Series Imposture (2013) for voice, flute, clarinet & perc.
Paul Clift - Shadow Art II (2018) for flute, voice and electronics
Dennis Sullivan - Shedding Waste (2016) bass clarinet and percussion
Barblina Meierhans - Ähm Me, Hm [i], and M (2015) for four speakers
Petros Ovsepyan - Kissed (WP) for flute, clarinet, harp and percussion

Kristjana Helgadóttir, flutes & voice
Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson, clarinets & voice
Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir, harp & voice
Matthias Engler, percussion & voice

Das Programm ‚Voiceover‘ entstand aus der Faszination mit der menschlichen Stimme als Musikinstrument. Mit Text, Geräusch und Melodie erweitert sie den instrumentalen Kosmos des Ensembles Adapter. Zum Auftakt der Saison ein experimenteller Beitrag, die Stimme erhebt sich.

Open Days Festival

Sat | 12. September | 13:00 & 14:00
Turbinesalen, Aalborg (DK) (open for audience!)

Jo Kondo - An Insular Style (1980) for flute, clarinet, harp & percussion
David Bird - Series Imposture (2013) for voice, flute, clarinet & perc.
Bianca Bongers - A jewel to the harp (2020) for harp & ensemble
Dennis Sullivan - Shedding Waste (2016) bass clarinet and percussion
Marek Kopelent - Canto Intimo (1967) for flute and vibraphone
Jesper Pedersen - Spooky Spiral (2012/20) for four performers
Ivan Olsen - New Work (WP) for flute, clarinet, harp and percussion
Niels Ch. Rasmussen - Book of Images (WP) for violin and ensemble

Ensemble Adapter
& Peter Bogaert (violin)

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