Adapter News 08/21

Darmstadt Summer Course 2021
Kranichstein Prize Winners

6. August 2021 | 19:30
Centralstation Darmstadt & Livestream

Oliver Thurley: augury (2021), World Premiere
Sara Glojnarić: This champagne is burned (2021) World Premiere
Martin A. Hirsti-Kvam: through imaginary landscapes (2021), WP

Ensemble Adapter: Kristjana Helgadóttir (Flute) | Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson (Clarinet) | Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir (Harp) | Matthias Engler (Percussion). Guests: Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen (Percussion) | Jennifer Torrence (Percussion)

An unorthodox decision was made by the jury at the Darmstadt Summer Course 2018: instead of presenting the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis to a single individual, they honoured a total of three composers whose works they all considered outstanding. Traditionally, winners of the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis are presented in a concert at the following summer course: Sara Glojnarić, Martin A. Hirsti-Kvam and Oliver Thurley have created new works in collaboration with the Berlin ensemble Adapter. Sara Glojnarić, a composer resident in Stuttgart who frequently works with multimedia, has selected a video work. The British Oliver Thurley describes his music as “quiet and disquieting”. His recent research and publication within the field of fragility in music is also audible in his Quartet for the ensemble Adapter. The Norwegian Martin A. Hirsti-Kvam extends the Adapter ensemble with two additional musicians. One of these individuals acts as a sort of hearing avatar for the audience which will experience the music via headphones from constantly changing aural perspectives: a perplexing interplay between live music and virtual pre-produced sounds which reach us from other spaces. Supported by the Pro Musica Viva – Maria Strecker-Daelen Foundation

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