Adapter News - 05/21

Memories in Music
Festival for Contemporary Music
Akademie der Künste | Berlin

6. May 2021 | 20:00 (CET)
Opening Concert Livestream
"Leichthardt in Australia"

Kirsten Reese - Coburg Nets (UA) for percussion, harp, flute and clarinet with field recordings
Erkki Veltheim - October 19th, 1845 (UA) for three dead baritones and ensemble, with Yolngu manikay obligato

The 19th-century expeditions of the Brandenburg scientist Ludwig Leichhardt along with colonial settlement projects have left deep scars in the north of Australia inhabited by indigenous communities. The two world premieres by Kirsten Reese and Erkki Veltheim (with Daniel Wilfred) for Ensemble Adapter are dedicated to the varied encounters between indigenous and Western knowledge systems, cultures and ways of life, the reappraisal of colonial structures and making indigenous culture visible. The livestreamed concert echoes in the trail.

The Bottle Episode
Ensemble Adapter & Jessie Marino

On the Internet forever
"An epic art project"

bottle episode (noun) a cheaply produced episode of a television show that is written so that it requires only one set or scene, a limited number of cast members, and is restricted in scope.

The Bottle Episode is an epic multimedia, on-line, real-time, long-term art project by Jessie Marino and Ensemble Adapter that will climax in live shows in the autumn of 2021. Through a wide range of digital formats the artists explore the fundamental question: When forced to reckon with extreme uncertainty, who am I, and what can I do?

The Bottle Episode is produced by Ensemble Adapter and Jessie Marino. Supported by Musikfonds / die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, initiative neue musik berlin e.V. & Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. In collaboration with radialsystem and Rainydays Festival Luxemburg.

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