Adapter News 03/19

Borealis Festival

A devised collaboration between
Juliana Hodkinson
The Icelandic Love Corporation
& Ensemble Adapter

Sat | 9. March | 14:00 (Family Edition)
Sun | 10. March | 19:00 (Premiere)
Bergen Internasjonale Kultursenter

The hybrid of The Icelandic Love Corporation, visual art collective with over 20 years experience of performing feminist social critique, composer Juliana Hodkinson and the musicians of Ensemble Adapter is a strong team for upping the ante within sound-based live art and bringing instrumental music and its listeners into a charged field of involvement. The collaboration between all these artists is based on the will to work beyond micro politics and to give expression and artistic form to an energetic critique that is daily flourishing and finding new outlets. This means looking at the audience, and amplifying the modes of engagement, consent, dissent and boredom by which spectators respond to performances. Love takes the audience by the hand. There will be tickling, shaking, blowing, fumbling, peeping and random gestures of kindness. Sparks will fly, it could get complicated/wet, and maybe your lucky number will come up.

Simon Løffler - e
New video - now really(!) online:

Ensemble Adapter performing Simon Løffler's "e"
for three musicians playing fluorescent lights and triangles

Filmed at ExRotaprint/Berlin, November 2018
Camera: Silvia Procopio, Max Valenti
Editing: Max Valenti
Sound: Martin Offik

Open Mic
Come by, work with us!

Tue | 26. March | 17:00-19:00
ExRotaprint | Gottschedstrasse 4 | Aufgang 4
Open Mic 2019

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