Adapter News 01/24

untitled | unknown
Davíð Brynjar Franzson & Ensemble Adapter
Thu | 25. January | 22:00
Dark Music Days 
Norðurljós, Harpa | Reykjavík
Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir, harp
Matthias Engler, percussion
Davíð Brynjar Franzson, composition & electronics

A shared experience, deeply intimate, intensely present in the moment. A project that will never be done, never end, never be finished. Only existing as artifacts of a process, each time unique, always the same.
untitled|unknown is an exploration of the resonant features of various spaces, of the interaction between instruments and space, and the interactions between performers when placed in a situation where the sound they produce physically affects and changes the sounds that other performers and their instruments can produce.

New Video
Wedding Sessions 
Nikolaus Schlierf - Python (2023)
for viola, loop station and objects

Composed and performed by Nikolaus Schlierf
Recorded live in Berlin-Wedding on November 23rd, 2023
Sound: Matthias Engler
Video: Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir & Matthias Engler
Produced by Ensemble Adapter

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